Wednesday, January 31, 2007


I found MySiteProfile on MyBlogLog. I read Aaron's profile on MyBlogLog, and decided to give it a try. MySiteProfile is a new social community site for bloggers, web site developers, programmers or artists. MySiteProfile has many functions, almost as much as Not only users can create his/her own profile, he/she can publish a blog, start a group, create a poll, upload image to the gallery, or asks readers to rate a picture.

MySiteProfile is relatively new. It has 141 members at the point of writing. In MySiteProfile, you will not get the kind of exposure as in MyBlogLog, but since it is a smaller community, you also get more attention, and is easier to distinguish yourself. It could be a good channel for bloggers who want to promote their blogs.
If I have to start my own web 2.0 site, I would do something similar to MySiteProfile, although I will target a smaller niche than Aaron did.

You can check my member profile in here:

1 comment:

datter said...

That's worth looking into, thanks for sharing the link.