Friday, January 26, 2007


I have been using mybloglog to keep track of this blog's traffic, until I come across this post from "The Million Dollar Experiment heads down under". Rob recommends sitemeter highly. So, I give it a try. I found it is incredibly easy to install.

Here is a step to step guide:

  1. Click "Sign up" here to sign up for a free account.
  2. Read the agreement and click "Next".
  3. You will come across a page that asks for your blog's URL and the title of your blog. Enter your blog's information and click 'Next'.
  4. Then, you will be asked for your personal information. You need a valid email address, your zip code, and the year of birth. You will also need to provide your title (e.g. CEO of Johnny_Cash enterprise), country, gender and your email preference. Click 'Next' when you are done.
  5. Then, sitemeter will ask you if you are interested in subscribing any of its newsletter. Click 'Next' after you have finished with your selection.
  6. You will come to the confirmation page. Click 'Next' and an email will be sent to your mailbox.
  7. Check your mailbox and use the codename and password to log into your account.
  8. Click "Manager" tab, and in the "Adding Site Meter to your site" section, click the "HTML" link.
  9. Copy the javascript and add this into your blog.

You are done!

I have used ExtremeTracker before. Sitemeter is a lot easier to install and the user interface is much better than ExtremeTracker.


Anonymous said...

Hey thanks for the mention, glad you found sitemeter useful. Take it easy.


Anonymous said...

A better choice is since the stats are just as good but the counter is invisible.