Friday, March 16, 2007

John Chow's effect

How much traffic did you got from a link in John Chow dot com?

Here is my experience.

My review on John Chow dot com makes it to his review batch 23. I got 32 unique vistors, and 51 page views from his blog within the next 24 hours. On average, my blog has about 40-50 unique vistors per day.


Unknown said...

That's very similar to the amount we got. Try getting in his Top Commentator list as that'll bring in a few visitors every day, not just the day he reviewed you.

Johnny Cash said...

Yeah. I remember you win John Chow's guess his Feburary income contest. In your blog, you mention that you got lots of traffic from John Chow dot com. In fact, I got some traffic from your blog on that day too.

608 said...

I think thats a different Matt, I'm the REAL Matt! LOL

but yeah, I got about 130 uniques when I won that contest and about 20 more the next day, it petered out after that. My reivew got some as well but that was so long ago now I can't remember how many!

- The REAL Matt (matt608)

Johnny Cash said...

Hi The Real Matt,

Thanks for your correction. I didn't know there are two Matts reading my blog!

Anonymous said...

Wow.. good hits :)

Johnny Cash said...


Thanks :)