Monday, March 5, 2007

Johnny's Weekly blogmarks (Week of Feburary 26)

Here comes the second edition of Johnny's weekly blogmarks

  1. 10 Totally Stupid Online Business Ideas That made someone Rich
    See how people make money by selling pixels on the web, send out emails as Santa, or creates googles for dog!

  2. Bloggers Faces-off: Darren Rowse vs Jeremy Shoemoney
    Bloggers Faces-off is a new section on Daily blog tips. The author asks the same set of questions to two famous bloggers and post their responses side by side. The first edition features Darren Rowse and Jeremy Shoemoney

  3. 34 Reasons why Readers Unsubscribe from your blog
    A post from the problogger discussing the reason why readers will unsubscribe from your blog feed.


608 said...

I have added you to 'The AGLOCO List' Over at my blog - Successful Online Money Making ! - Çheck it out and continue the list if you want.


Mike Scott said...

I posted a link in that post about Technorati post in hopes that maybe they will update your entry.

The other sad thing is that if they haven't indexed our blogs, then they don't return results from them when people search on Technorati.

Good Luck

Johnny Cash said...


I have join your AGLOCO list. See my next post.


Thanks for your help. I will keep you inform about my Technorati problems.

Anonymous said...

Hiye! Good info :D ahha.. i enjoy these posts

Johnny Cash said...


I am glad you like the blogmark.