Monday, March 26, 2007

Johnny's Weekly blogmarks (Week of March 19)

John Chow: Clever Blogger… Dare I Say Internet Marketer?
I have mentioned John Chow's blog many times. This is a slightly negative review on his site. It analyzes John Chow's clever (deceptive?) Internet marketing tatics.
How to Create Web 2.0 site?
A wonderful article that shows you how Web 2.0 sites are different from traditional web sites.
Top 40 sites according to Feedburner stats?
This is a list of the top 40 sites according to the number of RSS subscriptions. I am planning to write a post about how to increase RSS subscriptions. This list gives me a list of sites to research on.


Shailendra Doke said...


your link is blinking on my blog.
I hope you return the favor.


Johnny Cash said...

It is added.