John Chow dot com -- The Miscellaneous Ramblings of a Dot Com Mogul is one of the most popular blog in the web, and is ranked 3,881 in Alexa. He got interviewed by the Vancouver Sun in early Feburary and his blog has generated $7011.05 in Feburary alone. Many of my blogger friends are his fans and has commented on his blog frequently.
John Chow is a Chinese Canadian who lives in Vancouver. He is the founder of TheTechZone. Five years ago, it was reported that John Chow has turned down an offer of $1.3 million for TheTechZone. It is interesting to see how much the site is worth right now!
I have followed his blog for a while, and I summarize his success for the following reasons:
- Reputation :- As the owner of TheTechZone, he is well known by internet marketers before his blog started.
- Prolific:- He consistently posts four to five posts per day, and he has at least one full page length post daily.
- Effective use of Advertising:- John Chow knows which internet advertising channel to use, and he knows how to use it effectively. Recently, he has a "Make Darren Rowse Money" ad on Google Adsense. Since most bloggers start blogging by reading the Problogger blogging tips, this ad caught the attention of thousands of bloggers almost immediately.
- Effective Marketing Campaign:- John Chow loves to award prizes to his readers. When he joins MyBlogLog, he awards a 1GB Lego Flash Drive to one of his MyBlogLog members. Recently, he has a Guess My Feburary Blog Income contest, and Matt608 from Successful Online Money Making has won. He knows how to create buzz among the blogger's community. If you want to get a link from his blog, all you have to do is write a 200 words honest review to his blog, and place two links on your posts: one to his homepage, and one to review my blog. He will add your site to his "Review My Blog" section.
- Breadth and depth:- His blog covers a wide range of topics that ranges from investing to fine dinning, but at the same time, he gives in depth analysis on topic like, "how to make money from a blog".
- Good Blog Layout:- Some reviewers of his blog said that he has too many ads on his blog. While this may be true, it doesn't slow down the loading speed. His blog has a very effective layout.
This is a very good review of John Chow.
PS. I'm running a similar thing on my blog.
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Your blog is very interesting. I hope that we can exchange link sometimes.
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